Below are upcoming setting dates for the County Court at Law. Click the button for a calendar view or use the events settings for a daily view. Note that cases already set are shown with the anticipated time required. You may use this to see if enough time is available to hear your matter on a specific date. If the docket is noted as "Full", no additional cases will be set on that date.
Calendar days designated as "Family Law" are set aside for hearing family law matters including divorce, SAPCR, Adoptions and terminations. The days designated as "Pro Se" are times set aside for Pro Se family law litigants. Pro Se litigants must be set on this docket by the Court Coordinator.
Attorney Prove up settings are for attorneys to appear on family law matters, without the need for a setting, and prove up uncontested/agreed matters. All paperwork must be completed and in the courts file for the matter to be heard. Default Judgements will not be heard at this setting without prior approval of the Court.
Criminal Ancillary dockets are for criminal matters that will take less than 15 minutes to complete. These include such matters as arraignments, uncontested pretrial, or pretrial that can be handled with short argument and pleas.
Settings for contested hearings like Motion to Suppress, Writ hearings, or other evidentiary hearings will require a setting request and will be set on another contested criminal setting date
Probate settings are for short uncontested entries of will probate. Contested matters requiring more than 15 minutes must be requested using a setting request e-filed and presented to the Court Coordinator. Contested probate matters will be set on dates calendared as "Open Civil".
Juvenile setting are for short juvenile matters that can be handled in 15 minutes of less. Contested matters requiring more time must be set by setting request in coordination with the County Attorney's Office.
Open Docket setting dates are set aside for any number of civil or criminal settings including, but not limited to, contested probate matters, juvenile matters requiring more than 15 minutes, additional family law settings, motions to suppress in criminal matters or motion to revoke/adjudicate community supervision. A party may ask via a setting request to use one of these dates but they will only be set with the permission of the court.
Jury trial setting are for both criminal and civil jury trials. Criminal cases will take preference unless the civil case is specifically set preferentially.
Jury panels will be summoned the first day calendared for Jury. Jury selection will begin that morning at 9:00 AM. If trials will only take a portion of the days set aside for jury selection and trial, a second jury may be summoned that same week to try a second matter.
If a week set aside for jury trial is not used for a jury, bench trials and longer contested hearing may be set during that week as needed.