Pretrial Conferences are not mandatory but shall be set upon request of a party or on the Court’s own motion. If set by the Court, counsel or parties pro se will be expected at pre-trial conference. Parties shall be prepared to discuss all aspects of trial with the court on this date. In any event (with or without a pretrial conference), parties shall comply with the Trial Preparation Order, provide a Pretrial Statement and a completed Pretrial Checklist.
Counsel attending the pre-trial shall either be the attorney in charge or shall be familiar with the case and be fully authorized to state the party's position on the law and the facts and to make stipulations of fact. Counsel may not send to pre-trial in his stead a legal assistant, paralegal, investigator, secretary or other non-attorney. Parties appearing prose must attend pre-trial in person.
When counsel or a party pro se, after notice, fails to appear at the pre trial conference the Court may:
a. Rule on all motions, dilatory pleas and exceptions in absence of such person;
b. Declare any motions, dilatory pleas, or exceptions of such absent party waived;
c. Advance or delay the trial setting according to the convenience of persons present;
d. Pass and reset the pre-trial;
e. made, and/or Decline to set the case for trial, cancel a setting previously;
f. Dismiss the case for want of prosecution or grant a default judgment, if attorneys were ordered to appear, especially where there has been a previous failure to appear or where no amendment has been filed after exceptions were previously sustained;
g. Grant sanctions or other relief