Counsel should have their witnesses and exhibits ready for presentation to the Court or jury in an orderly and time-efficient manner. Members of the jury have to take time out of their lives to assist us in the disposition of your case and are sometimes subjected to economic and personal burdens as a result of their service. As a result, all of us involved in the justice system owe them a duty to waste as little of their time as possible by presenting the case to them without delays, specifically delays attendant to not having witnesses ready to testify when the preceding witness completes their testimony. Parties are encouraged not to duplicate exhibits
Exhibits exceeding 8 ½” x 11” in size will be accompanied by an 8 ½” x 11” copy. After completion of trial, the court reporter will retain only the 8 ½” x 11” copy and the original exhibit will be returned to the offering party.
Demonstrative exhibits and trial aids may be used by all counsel. Counsel shall not mark on or attach any item to an opposing counsel’s demonstrative exhibit while using it.
Prior to reading a deposition into evidence, counsel will identify the portion to be read by page and line, noting the ending point for each segment. If the deposition is by video, it is expected that the offering party will furnish the court reporter with a marked deposition transcript prior to playing the deposition. Video depositions are not reported stenographically by the court reporter. Do not visually display pages from depositions as part of direct or cross-examination
Exhibits can be displayed on the visual presenter or digitally using a computer
Anyone wishing to use this equipment should become familiar with its use prior to trial. Check with the coordinator about the availability of the courtroom. AV equipment may have to be “set up” prior to trial. It is advised that counsel make a “dry run” with the equipment to ensure it will work. It should be noted that acoustics in the District Courtroom are very poor. Counsel should be prepared to deal with sound problems. It is strongly advised that transcripts be prepared to aid the jury in understanding any audio/video sources.
There are no AV sources in the Commissioner's Courtroom. Counsel will be required to provide any projectors, screens, computers, easels, etc.
a. Visual Document Presenter
b. Projector and 110’ screen
c. 70” LCD Television
d. Microphones
e. Wi-Fi access (Hidden Access Manually)
f. Counsel table power outlets
g. Easels
h. Kleenex, fresh water and cups
i. Chalk board
j. HDMI/VGA port for laptop
The Court’s printer, copier, fax, paper, general office supplies and storage space are not provided by the Court to counsel. Counsel is encouraged to bring these items to Court.
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